Illinois Among Top States to See Residents Flee

Illinoisans Fleeing To Other Low Taxed States in record numbers due to the state being so out of control with skyrocketing tax increases. Illinois was one of the first states to shut down due to the coronavirus outbreak. The state was also the last state to reopen with heavy restrictions. Then, the oversized obese Governor JB Pritzker has ordered a second lockdown on October 30th, 2020.

Governor JB Pritzker has issued another executive stay-at-home lockdown order banning indoor dining at restaurants, bars, and cafes effective October 30th, 2020. Illinois now ranks as the highest-taxed state in the nation. Illinois is also in the red and cannot meet its debt obligations. The state leads the nation in having the highest unemployment rate. While other states are going to a fast economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis that hit the nation, Illinois is in the worst financial crisis in the history of the state.

Many Illinoisans thought JB Pritzker was going to make Illinois great again. This was mainly due to JB Pritzker being a billionaire and the heir of the Hyatt Hotel Chain. Many compared Pritzker to Donald Trump and thought he had the business smarts like President Donald J. Trump. It did not turn out that way.

JB Pritzker is no Donald J. Trump. It turned out to be quite the opposite. Due to JB Pritzker’s high tax policies and new taxes, Illinoisans lead the nation as being the state with the highest out-migration rate to other low-taxed states. The oversized 5’5″ 500-pound obese JB Pritzker turned out to be not just an incompetent dud, but a major liability to Illinoisans.

Government Need To Be Under The Leadership Of Competent Politicians

As soon as he got elected Illinois governor, it took him no more than four months to get under federal criminal investigation for property tax fraud:

  • In April 2020, JB Pritzker and his wife MK Pritzker got caught in a property tax fraud scheme to save $331,000 in property taxes on a home they owned in Chicago’s Gold Coast
  • JB and MK Pritzker removed toilets from the home they owned next to their main home
  • By doing so, the assessed valuation of the property went from $6.25 million to $1.1 million, thus making the property uninhabitable and saving them $331,000
  • When JB Pritzker and MK Pritzker got caught in the tax fraud scheme, JB Pritzker immediately wrote a personal check for $331,000 to Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios Office
  • Pritzker wanted to keep this quiet
  • However, the media found out about this
  • Pritzker’s tax fraud scheme landed him and his wife a federal criminal investigation into his tax fraud scheme
  • Pritzker’s property tax fraud federal investigation is ongoing and has expanded into the former Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios as well as his associates
  • Public Corruption in Illinois is costing taxpayers over $550 million a year

Illinois’s taxes, especially property taxes keep on increasing with no cap in sight.

Illinoisans Fleeing To Other Low-Taxed States Due To Out Of Control Taxes In Illinois

Governor JB Pritzker and Illinois politicians are so incompetent that the only solution they know to meet the budget is to raise taxes. They do not think. By raising taxes and having the highest tax rate in the nation, you are forcing Illinoisans to flee to other low-taxed states. What good is it to have the highest tax rate in the country but nobody to collect because they are all fleeing the state.

Governor Pritzker does not seem to realize this. He is raising taxes and creating new taxes but he is not doing anything to cut spending and trying to balance the budget. The obese governor is borrowing billions of dollars from the Feds just to meet the billions of dollars in the budget shortfall. The budget shortfall is not going to fix itself.

The state will have the same shortfall next year and the year after that. Experts and economists who advise other governors on budget deficits and fixing financial loopholes advise. Pritzker that Illinois needs pension reform. However, JB Pritzker said pension reform is out of the question. This is because Pritzker depends on the votes of public workers and unions. Without pension reform, the state will go bankrupt.

Elderly Illinoisans Fleeing To Other Low-Taxed States

Many elderly homeowners without a mortgage can no longer afford to live in Illinois due to high property taxes and other state taxes:

  • Illinois needs a smart hands-on honest governor and politicians to fix the mess the state is in
  • All JB Pritzker and the state’s Democrats know to do is increase existing taxes and create new taxes
  • JB Pritzker’s FAIR TAX got voted down by voters on the November 3rd, 2020’s election
  • The incompetent Pritzker counted on voters approving his tax increase of $3.8 billion with his FAIR TAX
  • However, it backfired on Pritzker and the FAIR TAX did not get approved by voter
  • Now JB Pritzker faces a major financial dilemma on how to come up with the $3.8 billion in the budget shortfall
  • Pritzker is thinking about laying off state workers and again increasing taxes

In this breaking news article, we will discuss and cover how Illinoisans Fleeing To Other Low Taxed States Due To JB Pritzker’s incompetence.

Illinoisans Fleeing To Other Low-Taxed States: The COVID-19 Outbreak Changed The Way We Work

The coronavirus outbreak hit the U.S. economy very hard. Over 50 million Americans filed unemployment claims. Unemployment rates reached close to 20%. Illinois was one of the first states to close and the last state to reopen. Most states started to reopen starting late April 2020. States like Florida are fully reopened.

Pritzker issued a second lockdown through his so-called emergency executive order on October 30th, 2020. Indoor dining at restaurants, bars, and cafes was prohibited. Gyms and other businesses with indoor activity were ordered shut down for 30 days. This emergency lockdown order by Pritzker will force many small business owners to close permanently. Many other small business owners have no other choice but to file bankruptcy.

Two-Thirds Of Illinoisans Employed By Small Businesses

Over two-thirds of Illinoisans are employed by small business owners:

  • JB Pritzker’s power hunger of his consistent stay-at-home lockdown orders is destroying small business owners and Illinois workers
  • While other states are recovering from the coronavirus outbreak, Illinois is deteriorating due to the incompetent governor and politicians who are politicizing the coronavirus pandemic
  • It seems Democrat-led state governors are ordering second rounds of lockdowns and creating havoc for businesses and taxpayers
  • The freshman first-term rookie governor JB Pritzker is not just incompetent but is a major liability for Illinoisans
  • He has two years to go into his first term
  • How many Illinoisans would be forced out of the state by then

There are many groups formed to impeach JB Pritzker. JB Pritzker ranks as the least popular governor in the nation

JB Pritzker’s Political Aspirations Reason For His Power Hunger

JB Pritzker was always a politician wannabe. In 1998, he ran unsuccessfully for U.S. Congress. He spent over $500,000 of his own money to finish in third. He then was caught in an FBI undercover wiretap with former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich discussing a political appointment to become Illinois Treasurer or potentially fill former U.S. Senator Barack Obama’s senate seat after Obama got elected president. Nothing came of this.

However, he went all out on his 2018 campaign for Illinois governor. He spent over $171 million of his own money to get finally elected. From the day he was sworn in, Pritzker has been a nightmare. It took Pritzker no more than four months to get under federal investigation for a tax fraud scheme he concocted with his wife MK Pritzker. A state governor should be a leader. Governors should lead by example. JB Pritzker is no leader.

Illinois Needs A Governor Who Is A True Leader

A governor is the chief executive officer of the state. A governor should be knowledgeable, experienced, humble, and a true leader. The United States of America should have the top 50 best of the best governors leading our nation’s 50 states. The 50 states are what make up the United States of America. Remember the saying that one rotten apple destroys any organization?

Here is how The Harvard Business Review defines what a true leader is:

Good leaders need to demonstrate expertise and judgment. People are more likely to trust you if they believe you have technical know-how and the experience to make good decisions.

The above statement is not what is happening in Illinois under the leadership of the first-term Illinois governor. And due to this very reason, we are seeing a massive exodus of Illinois fleeing to other lower-taxed states.

JB Pritzker’s Handling Of The COVID-19 Crisis

JB Pritzker’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak was beyond disaster. He was adamant about shutting down nonessential businesses in the state and prolonging the lockdown. Pritzker extended his executive stay-at-home order in extending his lockdown beyond 30 days, unlike other states where most have reopened. Pritzker failed to realize by extending his lockdown order on all nonessential businesses, will flood unemployment filings.

Over one million Illinoisans flooded the unemployment claims offices in the state. The outdated computer systems could not handle the flood of unemployment applications and crashed. Pritzker did not apologize for not thinking ahead of the consequences before shutting down the state. Any businessman with an average IQ could have seen this coming. However, the freshman rookie first-term governor lacked judgment and experience and hurt over a million families.

Do As I Say And Not As I Do: Governors Need To Lead By Example And Be Respected

It is no secret that Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has political aspirations to be on the Democrat ticket for President in 2024. Many political analysts report Pritzker is trying to brand himself on a national level and politicizing the COVID-19 as the ticket.  His campaign is trying to brand Pritzker as the National Health Czar and America’s Health Governor Health Czar? Healthy Governor?  Many critics make fun of the idea of having an overly oversized overweight fat obese JB Pritzker be the National Health Czar.

Nobody is going to listen and respect a short 5’5″ 500 pounds obese unhealthy first-term rookie governor who gives advice on health matters. The idea is backfiring but JB Pritzker is continuing on politicizing the coronavirus crisis while hurting tens of thousands of businesses and families. Pritzker continuously is extending his executive order to all citizens of Illinois to stay at home because it is not safe to travel. The fat governor is an absolute hypocrite.

While he is claiming to be the governor that cares about people’s safety and health, he is traveling like an out-of-control potbelly pig with his family to his vacation homes in Wisconsin and Florida. You can see Pritzker in Wisconsin in a Marina socializing with people without wearing a mask. Millions of Illinoisans and their families were going stir crazy in their homes while the overweight obese JB Pritzker is enjoying himself outdoors in Florida and Wisconsin.

Both Wisconsin and Florida do not have executive stay-at-home orders and lockdowns like Illinois has. This is a great example of being a hypocrite. Respect and leadership are not bought.

  • Respect and leadership cannot be demanded.
  • Respect and leadership need to be earned.
  • Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has no respect.
  • Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has no leadership.

His leadership is ruining the livelihoods of Illinois business owners and families. JB Pritzker is not just an incompetent leader and a failure. JB Pritzker is a major liability and cancer that is ruining Illinois right before our eyes.

The Need Of A True Leader For A Governor To Fix Illinois’ Rapid Deterioration Tanking Economy Under JB Pritzker

Illinois needs a true leader for a governor. JB Pritzker needs to get impeached and removed from office to save Illinois and what is left to save. Illinois was a great state and has been going downhill slowly. Then you get this oversized obese rookie freshman politician wannabe first term JB Pritzker elected governor and shit hit the fan. It is like an out-of-control obese hungry crazed killer whale was released in a small lake full of people. We need to stop the massive exodus of small business owners and families to other low-taxed states.

We need a governor who knows how basic economics works. You cannot spend more than what you take in. We need a governor who supports our police and does not riot with Black Lives Matter. We need a governor who is not a hypocrite and says one thing and does another. We need a governor who cares about the economy of Illinois. We need a governor who is a visionary and does what it takes to attract new businesses and taxpayers to Illinois.

We need a governor who does not come up with tax fraud schemes with his wife MK Pritzker and goes under federal criminal investigation. We need to remove the image of being the nation’s most corrupt state. We need a governor who does not politicize the coronavirus crisis for his own political benefit. How did Pritzker get elected? The new thing for Democrats now is Voter Fraud.

There are strong evidence and allegations of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats cheating in the 2020 elections. We will see what the results of the 2020 Voter Fraud investigations come out to be. Did JB Pritzker cheat to get elected? Look at how fast Chicago is deteriorating and going downhill under the leadership of another freshman first-time Mayor Lori Lightfoot. We need a governor who does not bullshit. JB Pritzker is NO National Health Czar by any means. Nobody will ever listen to a  5’5″ 500-pound obese short JB Pritzker on national health issues. Bad Idea.

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Alex Carlucci is an experienced private mortgage banker. He has been in the mortgage industry for 20 years, and prides himself of his excellent customer service and communication.


Illinois is the highest taxed state in the U.S. and they are still broke. From my research, JB Pritzker is the worst governor in the nation. I think what is said on this blog is right. Pritzker is a loose cannon and needs to get removed from office. JB Pritzker cannot even manage his own weight. How can he lead the people of the state of Illinois. He is good in one thing though. Being the fattest governor in the United States. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone fatter than this pig.

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