FHA Loan After Bankrutpcy Chapter 7

Engaging an experienced attorney is crucial for a seamless Chapter 7 bankruptcy journey. Your attorney will expertly handle various legal tasks throughout the process, ensuring your peace of mind. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the Chapter 7 proceedings.

fha after bankruptcy


  1. Credit Counseling:
    • Your first step is to undergo a credit counseling session with a court-approved agency within 180 days before filing for Chapter 7. This session is a crucial element in the process.
  2. Filing Chapter 7 Forms:
    • Prepare the essential documents, primarily the Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition and supporting forms. These documents require detailed information about your property, income, monthly expenses, and debts. Ensure accuracy, including the listing of property transactions within the last two years.
  3. Automatic Stay:
    • Upon filing for Chapter 7, an automatic stay is initiated, placing a freeze on your creditors’ actions. This means no attempts to collect debts, no wage garnishment, no bank account liens, no home foreclosure, and no car repossession. Highlight the immediate relief provided by Chapter 7.
  4. Bankruptcy Trustee’s Appointment:
    • Emphasize the significance of the bankruptcy court appointing a trustee to manage your property and debts. You lose control over these aspects, and any sale or transfer of items to cover debts requires court consent. This underscores the importance of the trustee’s role.
  5. Creditors’ Meeting:
    • Shortly after initiating Chapter 7, all creditors are notified of an official meeting. During this meeting, you’ll be sworn in to answer questions from the trustee. Stress the importance of honesty in responses, while reassuring that the questions are straightforward and based on the information provided in filing documents.
  6. Chapter 7 Discharge:
    • After the creditors’ meeting, the trustee reviews your assets to determine if any can be sold to pay debts. Highlight the protection of exempt assets, such as your home, auto, Social Security benefits, and more. Clearly explain that the discharge occurs at the conclusion of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process, emphasizing the resolution and debt relief achieved.

Navigating the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process is complex, but with this comprehensive guide, you’ll gain insights and understanding for a smoother journey towards financial recovery.”


Dispelling the myth that post-bankruptcy credit is an unattainable feat, this article sheds light on the renewed possibilities for individuals or couples seeking credit. Contrary to common belief, credit extension is possible shortly after a bankruptcy discharge, with some lenders even liberalizing rules to aid those impacted by economic downturns.

Recent developments from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) bring significant relief, especially for Florida residents and nationwide borrowers facing foreclosure, short sales, deeds in lieu of foreclosure, or Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The latest rule change, outlined in HUD Mortgagee Letter 2013-26 dated Aug. 15, 2013, drastically reduces the waiting period for qualification to apply for an FHA-insured loan.

Previously, a three-year waiting period was in place, but the new rule slashes it to just one year, provided applicants meet specific requirements. The comprehensive details are available in the mentioned HUD Mortgagee Letter, offering a roadmap for borrowers seeking FHA loan eligibility.

This groundbreaking change extends FHA loan opportunities to those who have undergone a negative economic event leading to income loss beyond their control. The event, whether job loss, income reduction, or both, qualifies if it results in a household income drop of at least 20% for a minimum of six months.

Moreover, borrowers must showcase a satisfactory credit history re-established for at least 12 months before applying. Current mortgages should reflect a minimum of 12 months of timely payments. The flexibility extends to include acceptable temporary and permanent loan modifications, provided they are well-documented and timely.

Applicable nationwide, these rules present a lifeline for individuals in Florida and beyond. The waiting period varies slightly for personal bankruptcies, requiring 12 months to have elapsed since the date of discharge for Chapter 7 cases. For Chapter 13, borrowers can apply after completing the case or making 12 monthly payments on the plan. Additionally, an essential counseling requirement mandates at least one hour of one-on-one counseling with an approved agency.

This comprehensive guide empowers individuals navigating post-bankruptcy financial recovery, providing key insights into the transformed landscape of FHA loan eligibility.


Talk To A Loan Officer

Peter is a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator and Realtor. He helps people to meet FHA guidelines and obtain a financing for their dream home.